Optoscan is an Italian company specialized in the design and production of infrared sensors.
Discover the range

ON / OFF Detection Barrier
The system generates a dense network of beams by scanning the area in multiple directions.
The interruption of a single beam causes the output to switch.

Measuring Barrier
The system generates a grid of parallel beams capable of detecting the presence of objects, determining their shape and position, and communicating this information to the control system.

Barrier for Vending Machines
The EOS series barriers are specifically designed to be installed in vending machines to detect the fall or presence of the product.
Available in standard 140mm format or modular sizes ranging from 80mm to 880mm.

Barrier for Access Control
The Kagi series barriers generate 2 to 4 parallel infrared beams with a spacing of 135mm.
They are specifically designed for access control applications.
Choose based on the application

Barriera per vending machines
Le barriere della serie EOS sono progettate appositamente per essere installate in vending machines e rilevare la caduta o la presenza del prodotto.
Disponibili in formato standard da 140mm oppure modulari con dimensioni da 80 a 880mm.

Barriera per controllo accessi
Le barriere della serie Kagi generano da 2 a 4 raggi infrarossi paralleli ad interasse 135mm.
Il loro impiego è specifico per il controllo accessi.